Врачи из ЧР проходят курсы повышения квалификации в НИИ скорой помощи им. Н.В. Склифосовского

Specialists will undergo 5-day advanced training courses at the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. NV Sklifosowski.

The first group of doctors, consisting of a senior resident and two ward managers, has been in Moscow for several days. Experienced doctors improve their competences and share their practical knowledge with colleagues from the federal center.

The second and third group of doctors will go to training on April 18 and 25. In total, this month, 9 doctors from the Republican Teaching Hospital of AI UI Chanbiew.

Another scientific and educational event for doctors of other specialties is planned for May.

«Two-week and monthly cycles will also take place on the basis of the Research Institute of Emergency Medicine. internship at the institute, «said the chief independent surgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Chechen Republic, Lom-Ali Kazbekov.


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