В России за сутки COVID-19 заболели более 9 тыс. человек

Compared to the previous day, the number of new cases of COVID-19 infection increased by 126.

The number of daily hospitalizations amounted to 2,660 people and decreased by 9.2% compared to the previous day. An increase in the number of hospitalizations occurred in 32 entities of the Russian Federation, a decrease in the number of hospitalizations was recorded in 48 regions of the country. In the five entities of the Russian Federation, the situation has not changed, the operational staff said.

On the last day, 195 people died due to coronavirus infection, the day before the headquarters reported 197 deaths.

13,480 people recovered daily, 4.9% less than on April 21.

In total, 18,119,862 cases of coronavirus infection, 374,563 deaths and 17,451,090 discharges were registered in Russia during the pandemic, reports Interfax.


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