В селении Правобережное ЧР состоялось открытие "Зоны отдыха"

The «Recreation Zone» was officially opened in the village of Pravoberezhnoye, Grozny poviat. Territory with an area of ​​over 3,000 sq m. developed as part of the nationwide project «Apartment and urban environment».

“Today we are witnessing the implementation of the tasks of creating a comfortable urban environment in our cities and villages. This facility is not the last one for the Grozny region. The modernization works will be continued and the new places will delight the residents of the district and bring new colors and impressions to the life of the housing estates — emphasized in her welcome speech Hava Batukaeva, deputy head of the Grozny District Administration.

As part of the nationwide project, a recreation area, playgrounds for children and sports, a mini football pitch were created in the park, landscaping was made, benches and lighting were installed, and paved walking paths were marked out. The cozy atmosphere is also conducive to leisurely walks for the elderly and families with children.
The smallest inhabitants of the rural settlement, who will spend their main time here, are particularly pleased with the opening of such a place.
Malika Dzhamaldaeva, an inhabitant of the village of Pravoberezhnoye, thanked the management of the commune for the close attention to the population and the implementation of such important and necessary projects.

Let us recall that as part of the implementation of the federal project «Shaping the urban environment» in 2021, 6 public territories were developed in the Grozny poviat.


Аслан Музаев

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