В Госдуме предложили запретить выезд госслужащих за рубеж, кроме госзадач

State Duma deputy Sultan Khamzayev said that officials under the current conditions should not leave Russia if their departures are not related to state tasks. According to him, today they should deal with internal problems.

Sultan Khamzayev noted that the trips of politicians abroad give rise to rumors and conjectures around such worth-to-publish events. He recalled that United Russia’s deputies were obliged to notify party leadership when traveling abroad, and suggested extending this experience to officials.

«I believe that in this crucial period, no one should make even the» most planned «trips, except for state tasks. I never thought that this needed additional explanation. problems «- the politician emphasized in an interview with journalists.

The parliamentarian considers it necessary that the heads of state bodies — the government, the State Duma, the Federation Council and regional self-governments — approve at the level of internal regulations «the coordination and procedure of leaving Russia for their employees».

«In order to prevent the» news «that someone has secretly gone abroad and subsequent heated discussion, I propose to notify the country’s authorities in good time with a short announcement of the upcoming trip. Then we can avoid the spread of fakes and worries — he said.


Аслан Музаев

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