В ЧР пройдет VIII региональный чемпионат по профессиональному мастерству среди инвалидов и лиц с ОВЗ

From 17 to 23 May this year. The 8th regional championship in the professional skills of disabled and disabled people «Abilimpics» will be held in Chechnya.

This became known during the meeting of the organizing committee of the championship, chaired by the first deputy minister of education and science of the Chechen Republic, Bekhan Satuev.

The participants approved the regulations regarding the organization of the event and the work plan of the organizing committee. The list of competences of the VIII Abillympics regional championships as well as the date and place of their opening ceremony were also approved.

The organizing committee of the championship included representatives of the Ministry of Health of the Chechen Republic, the Ministry of Culture of the Chechen Republic, the Ministry of Finance of the Chechen Republic, the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Development of the Chechen Republic, three universities of the Chechen Republic, as well as the heads of the organization of secondary vocational education.

During the meeting, Bekhan Satuev drew attention to the need to pay special attention to the training of students and teachers participating in the Olympic championships by the directors of educational organizations of secondary vocational education.

At the meeting, it was proposed for the first time to include job fairs and training places in the business program of opening the championship. There was also a proposal to appoint ambassadors of the Abillim movement who would popularize the movement in the Chechen Republic and hold the first meeting of the youth council of the championship.


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