Регионы РФ получат более 100 млрд рублей благодаря программе туристического кешбэка

Rostourism chief Zarina Doguzova said the government has extended its tourist cashback sales until April 15, inclusive.

«According to our estimates, regional economies will receive more than 100 billion rubles from the program this year, after all multipliers are taken into account,» said Doguzova.

The head of Rostourism recalled that the government extended sales under the tourist cashback program until April 15, inclusive. Previously, it was planned to end overnight on April 9th ​​due to increased demand. According to the agency, about 100,000 people buy tours every day as part of the program. In addition to the spring / summer sale window, there will also be an autumn sale, the dates of which will be announced later by the Federal Tourism Agency. In total, in 2022 at least 3 million people will be able to use the program — this is a record for the entire time of work — emphasized Doguzova.

According to her, as part of the program, not only southern destinations are sought, but also cultural and educational trips to cities.


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