Минпромторг: ассортимент товаров и продуктов в магазинах из-за санкций не уменьшится

The range of goods and products in Russian stores will not decrease due to the sanctions, but will change, said Viktor Yevtuchow, deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.

«I don’t think it will decrease, I think it will change. Why does it not decrease? Basically, they are kind of a quasi-benchmark for the consumer — there are many more than the retail chains’ ability to put these goods on their shelves.» he said, responding to a pertinent question on the air of the ONF’s «People’s Question».

«As soon as an item is eliminated from the matrix for various reasons — whether it is a bankruptcy of the company or an exit from the market in the present conditions — there are a large number of companies with their own proposals that would like to put their goods on the shelves,» he added.

Jewtuchow also emphasized that not all foreign companies are leaving the Russian market. Moreover, those who make such a decision do not «hang a lock on the door of the barn», but engage in, for example, trust management, try to sell their shares to Russian investors or look for other options.

«If this does not happen — some well-known or little-known brands will disappear from the shelves — then we have Latin America, South America, the Middle East, China, India that will gladly replace these goods on the shelves of our stores» — said the deputy minister.

At the same time, the substitution of food imports in the country is almost 90%, added Jewtuchow, reports RIA Novosti.


Аслан Музаев

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