Меньше всего заразиться ковидом в Грозном боятся не переболевшие им люди

Most often in Grozny, people who are afraid of the coronavirus are already those who fell ill with it and were vaccinated, the least often those who were not sick and were not vaccinated, according to the latest survey of the SuperJob online job search service.

Only 4% of respondents are very afraid of getting the coronavirus. In the comments, they recall that the infection, despite the lifting of the masks and the lifting of restrictions, still exists and can lead to serious complications. Another 38% of the inhabitants of Grozny have only a slight fear of infection, explaining the relative ease of use of the omicron strain. 58% of the respondents are not afraid of being a carrier at all: «I have already been sick»; «It’s just SARS now»; «It’s scary now, even without the coronavirus.»

Those who are more or less afraid of infection are more among those who have already been sick and vaccinated (48% in total), and those who are not at all afraid of COVID-19 are among those who have not been sick or vaccinated (77%). The survey was conducted from April 5 to April 7, 2022.

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