Хож-Бауди Дааев посетил Чеченский профессионально технологический колледж

Large-scale construction work is underway at this university. At this stage, the works related to the assembly of a new sports field, a mini-football field and land development for practical training for future firefighters have already been completed. This was announced by the Minister of Education and Science of the Chechen Republic of Khozh-Baudi Daaev.

The main event for the university this year was the start of construction of a new one-story additional building, which will house workshops and classrooms.

The construction works were possible thanks to the financial support of the Regional Social Foundation. First President of the Chechen Republic, Hero of Russia, Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov.

Currently, the process of pouring foundations and planning the neighboring area is underway.

During the visit, the minister became acquainted with the quality of the works carried out and presented recommendations for further improvement of the area.


Аслан Музаев

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