Глава ВОЗ заявил, что пандемия COVID-19 "далека от завершения"

According to TASS, World Health Organization (WHO) Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, coronavirus transmission rates remain high and vaccination rates are low in many countries.

«Program [коронавируса] remains at a very high level and vaccination coverage is very low in too many countries, «said Ghebreyesus at the WHO emergency committee on COVID-19. He noted that despite the decline in deaths from the coronavirus worldwide, relaxing measures to contain the spread of the disease and increasing the risk of new strains emerging. According to him, three factors are currently «extremely important»: the first is the «fatigue» of the population before social isolation, the second is the duration of immunity after the first vaccine or infection «remains unknown», and the third is the inability to «predict virus evolution». «Equal access to vaccination for most risk groups remains the most powerful tool we have to save lives,» WHO stressed, adding that «the main problem» while still causing a large number of unvaccinated health workers and others at risk of ska. Earlier, virologists at the Catholic University of Leuven Mark Van Ranst and Piet Maas said the first case of a new sub-variant of the omicron coronavirus strain, called BA.4, had been registered in Belgium. Publications report that BA.4 and BA.5 are now available in South Africa, Botswana, Germany, Denmark and the UK. In Belgium, the BA.5 version of the «omicron» has not yet been identified.


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