Глава Роспотребнадзора рассказала об опасности преждевременного снятия антиковидных ограничений

Anna Popova warned against premature lifting of COVID restrictions in the regions of the country.

According to Popova, the situation with the coronavirus both in the world and in the country remains difficult. Over the past week, she noted, coronavirus incidence in 46 regions of the Russian Federation was higher than the national average.

Accordingly, the head of department called for a decision to lift restrictive measures in each specific region, based on data on morbidity dynamics.

«Premature and unjustified lifting of restrictions may lead to a second increase in morbidity and thus to new restrictive measures,» she added during a conference call, the results of which were published on the official website of Rospotrebnadzor.


Аслан Музаев

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