Число покупок через Систему быстрых платежей в России выросло в 33 раза

According to a study by Russian Standard Bank (which has one of the largest acquiring networks in Russia).

At the same time, the total amount of payments increased tenfold.

«Such a high dynamics can be explained by the active connection of a large number of companies to the SBP payment acceptance service,» reads the study (available for TASS).

At the same time, the highest number of purchases via SBP took place in March, when the importance of paying with QR codes via SBP increased significantly due to the reduction in the operation of a number of payment services. Thus, 53% of SBP payments for the first quarter fell in March, 27% — in February and 20% — in January.

However, the largest average check for purchases by SBP was recorded in February — 3,323 thousand. rubles. In January, this number was 3,012 thousand. rubles, in March — 1,883 thousand. rubles, according to the statistics of the Russian standard.

As part of the study, depersonalized data for the first quarter of 2022 and 2021 of customers of all banks using this technology in the Russian Standard acquisition network were analyzed.


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