Банки будут блокировать мошенникам карты и доступ к счетам

The Bank of Russia has instructed banks to stop handling cards that receive money without the consent of the senders. Additionally, holders of such cards should suspend transfers via mobile and online banking.

Fraudsters whose cards and accounts receive unauthorized transfers are called droppers. The regulator created a database of its cards and accounts. It is created on the basis of complaints from people who report illegal transactions to their banks. All Russian banks have access to this database. Previously, they only had to stop their customers’ transfers when they discovered that the money was going to the cards and dropper accounts.

Now, control is tightened: banks must block all of their client’s cards, if at least one of them is in the dropper’s database. At the same time, transactions via a mobile and online bank will be forbidden for a person so that he does not have time to withdraw the stolen money to another bank, and his victims have time to question transfers and return their savings.

If a person’s accounts or cards go to the dropper database, the bank is obliged to inform the owner that this was the reason for their blocking. In case of a mistake, the customer has to come to his bank with a passport, ask for a data check, unblocking cards and remote access to the account. It is also possible to challenge an entry in the dropper database via the Bank of Russia online pickup (https://cbr.ru/reception).

The Bank of Russia informs you that if the fraudsters have already convinced you to make a transfer or have withdrawn money from your card, be sure to report the unauthorized operation to your bank. The more applications from victims, the sooner criminals’ data will get into the dropper database and will not be able to access other people’s money.

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