Жители ЧР смогут присоединиться к онлайн-голосованию за объекты благоустройства с 15 апреля

In the period from April 15 to May 30, citizens over the age of 14 will be able to select a territory for improvement in 2023 during the all-Russian online vote as part of the national project «Housing and urban environment».

«This competition is an opportunity to listen to the opinions of citizens, which is the most important in creating comfortable conditions for living and relaxing,» said Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Marat Khusnullin during the operational meeting. «Therefore, one of the tasks of the platform is to collect the views of as many people as possible in Russia.»

The unified voting platform will allow users to select the territory that needs to be updated first. The sites with the highest number of votes will first be improved under the national project.

“Thanks to the creation of simple and accessible conditions for the participation of residents in the development of the area, every resident of the country over 14 years of age can vote. This year, we expect that even more residents will be interested in the platform and new architectural solutions improving the quality of life in their cities, said Minister of Construction and Housing Irek Fayzullin.

From the Chechen Republic, the site will present the territories located in the regions of Grozny, Argun, Akhkhoi-Martan, Urus-Martan, Gudermes, Shali and Kurczaloevsky in the republic.

“From the beginning of the online voting, the inhabitants of the region will be able to choose an area for improvement next year. The region already has experience in organizing such events — last year almost 60,000 people participated in the project. The results of these works indicate the great social importance of projects promoting the possibility of direct participation of citizens in creating a comfortable urban environment — said Alisa Ibragimova, Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing of the Chechen Republic.

In total, 40 public territories will be presented for voting on the site. Currently, improvement projects are being implemented in all 17 counties as part of the national project.


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