Жители Чеченской Республики приняли активное участие в опросе по дорожному нацпроекту

In the community on the social network VKontakte, dedicated to the implementation of the national project «Safe Quality Roads» in the Chechen Republic, a survey was launched: «What should be a priority in road development?», In which 458 people took part.

Survey participants were asked to choose one of the following options: road safety; surface repair; construction of new roads and artificial structures; use of new technologies; development of the neighboring area or write your own version.

The vast majority, 223 people, chose the «all of the above» options. 163 participants believe that the most important thing is «road safety». 35 people for the «pavement repair». 19 — for «building new roads and artificial structures». The options «use new technologies» and «improve adjacent territory» received a total of 15 votes.

Let us recall that in 2022, 76.2 km of roads and four artificial structures (109.2 m) will be brought to the standard level in the republic as part of the national project «Safe high-quality roads».


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