В Госдуме предложили вернуть вернуть пятилетнюю систему высшего образования

State Duma deputy Vitaly Milonov proposed to restore the traditional system of higher education to Russia. It is reported by RT, referring to a copy of the MP’s appeal to the head of the Ministry of Education and Science, Valery Falkov.

Milonov noted that the Bologna system, which includes a two-tier education system (undergraduate and graduate), was criticized by many experts. For example, diplomas from Russian universities are still often not recognized in Western countries, which calls into question the effectiveness of such a system.

The deputy emphasized that in order to master some complex professions it is necessary to undergo training within the specialty, i.e. within five years.

«Given the fundamental changes of recent times, please consider the initiative to return national higher education to the traditional five-year system,» reads the letter.


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