В ЧР реализуют пять прорывных проектов стоимостью около 116 млрд рублей

The head of the government of the Chechen Republic, Muslim Chuczyev, took part in the meeting of Alexander Nowak, vice-chairman of the government of the Russian Federation. The current state of disruptive projects in the regions of the North Caucasian Federal District was discussed in the videoconference.

Chuczew presented a report on the main item on the agenda.

“On behalf of the government of the Russian Federation, the Model for the Economic Development of the Chechen Republic included 5 landmark projects worth almost 116 billion rubles. and the creation of over 6,000 new jobs. These are large-scale projects of special social and economic importance for the republic — said the chairman of the regional self-government.

Thus, according to him, the list of breakthrough projects included «Reconstruction and construction of the international airport Grozny (Northern) im. AA Kadyrov «, two special economic zones -» Grozny «and» Veduchi «,» Development of the building materials cluster «and» Development of the agro-industrial cluster «.

Chuczew drew attention to the need to build energy infrastructure facilities and special economic zones.


Аслан Музаев

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