В ЧР проходят профилактические встречи ко Всемирному дню здоровья

Preventive lessons coinciding with World Health Day were organized by the federal project of United Russia «Healthy Future» in schools of the Chechen Republic.

About 400 students from the Sheikh-Mansurowski district in the regions of Grozny, Argun, Urus-Martan, Nożaj-Jurtowski, Naurski and Gudermes in the republic took part in them. Among the speakers there were specialist doctors, representatives of sports institutions, members of United Russia at various levels and activists of the United Russia Young Guard.

“In class, children are told what a healthy lifestyle is. It’s not just about proper nutrition and sports. It is important to undergo regular medical examinations and preventive medical examinations, take care of your mental health, educate yourself, develop spiritually and not resort to bad habits, said Adlan Dinaev, head of the regional executive committee of the Chechen regional branch of the United Russia Party.


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