В ЧР активно идет реализация программы модернизации первичного звена здравоохранения

The regions presented the Government of the Russian Federation with proposals for the modernization of primary health care. The discussion was attended by deputies of the State Duma, secretaries of regional party branches, including governors, representatives of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Construction.

In their speeches, the representatives of the regions pointed to a number of systemic problems in the implementation of the program — the shortage of staff, especially in rural areas, the lack of funds to support doctors, including payments for them, and the provision of housing. United Russia’s proposals to solve these issues were supported by the relevant ministries.

For example, the Ministry of Health has approved initiatives to extend the Doctor Zemski program, including changing social support measures for young professionals who return to work in their native villages after training. Also — about equipping FAP with sustainable Internet, more active development of medical aviation, inclusion of medical workers in the program of preferential mortgage loans in the Far East.

The Ministry of Construction supported the proposal of «United Russia» to increase funds for the construction of basic facilities. The secretaries of the party’s regional departments, including the heads of Mordovia and the Novosibirsk region, discussed the need to allocate additional funds in connection with the sharp rise in the prices of building materials.

“As part of the regional program for the modernization of primary health care, in 2021, 4 FAPs were built in the Gukhoy, Sąsiedni, Eshilkhatoy, Voskresenovskoye estates; 5 FP in the settlements of Druzhba, Naberezhnyy, Khildehara, Khoy, Makazhoy; medical clinic in the village of Alpatovo. Reconstruction of the 4th FAP was carried out in the villages of Komsomolskoje, Braguny, Kadi-Yurt, Novy Engenoy. This year, the primary health care modernization program will continue under all the commitments made by the region, said the Minister of Health of the Chechen Republic, Idris Baysultanov.

As Denis Protsenko emphasized, the regional experiences presented at the meeting are an example of a feedback loop and will become the basis for monitoring the implementation of the primary link modernization program.


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