В Чеченской Республике проверяют цены на социально значимые продукты

Monitoring participants identified 10 products with unreasonable prices.

United Russia monitors socially important food products in the Chechen Republic. It aims to fulfill the instructions of the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, Mikhail Mishustin, on the universal control of food prices in connection with unprecedented sanctions against Russia.

This week, party members checked prices in stores in the Grozny, Wienski, Kurczałojewski, Gudermesski, Kożaj-Yurtowski districts of the republic, as well as in the Akhmatovsky, Sheikh-Mansurowski and Wizajtowski districts in Grozny.

Monitoring participants noted the top 10 products whose prices remain unreasonably high: flour, powdered sugar, butter, milk, tea, pasta, cereals, eggs, potatoes and onions. In various stores and supermarkets, the prices of these products fluctuate by ± 5-10 rubles, but remain inflated.

All data on the results of the inspection will be sent to the Central Executive Committee of United Russia, the Federal Antimonopoly Service and Rospotrebnadzor.

Overall, consumer prices in Russia have increased by 7.67% since the beginning of the year, and by 5.38% since the beginning of March. Such data was provided by Rosstat. The country’s inflation target is 4%. According to the Central Bank’s forecast, inflation in Russia will reach 20% by the end of 2022, and will drop to 8% in 2023.

Let us recall that on March 18, the president of the Central Bank, Elvira Nabiullina, said that the acceleration of inflation in Russia at the turn of February and March was mainly due to the high demand of citizens for non-food products — household appliances and audio / video devices, furniture, cars. In addition, the population began to buy products for long-term storage. The head of the Central Bank assured that most of these goods are produced in Russia from domestic raw materials, so their stocks are sufficient, and the rush for such products will soon disappear and prices will normalize.


Аслан Музаев

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