Участники пресс-тура «Zа правду» посетили место гибели командира батальона «Спарта» ДНР

Vladimir Zhoga «Vocha» gave his life, while ensuring the withdrawal of the civilian population from Volnovach, when the city was under the control of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, wrote the head of the Chechen Republic on his Telegram channel.

«A delegation of journalists from Russian and international publishing houses, headed by dear BROTHER, Minister of the Chechen Republic for National Policy, Foreign Relations, Press and Information, Akhmed Dudayev, visited the place of death of the person of Honor, a true patriot of the Fatherland, commander of the legendary separate reconnaissance battalion in the city of Volnovach DRL. «Sparta» DPR, the Hero of Russia (posthumously) by Vladimir Żoga. The call sign is «Vokha,» says the text.

The head of the region also added that on behalf of the president of the Regional Public Fund The hero of Russia, Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov, Ajmani Niesiewny, through Akhmed, transferred funds to the inhabitants of the house where Vladimir Zhoga died. Dudayev to buy food.

«I express my gratitude to the President of the ROF Ajmani Niesiewna for the special attention and care for the inhabitants of Volnovach who were in danger, suffered from the anti-human activities of Bandera, the Nazis and the Armed Forces of Ukraine on the territory of the DPR. Let Almighty Allah accept your good deeds — summed up Kadyrov.


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