Роструд продолжит профилактические визиты в компании для оказания поддержки работодателям

This was reported by the press service of the department.

“Currently, Rostrud is actively using preventive measures in its work. In particular, labor inspectors carry out preventive visits to organizations, during which they provide advice to employers and provide explanations in the field of compliance with labor law, as well as recommend improving the situation in the field of work, ”reads the release.

As explained in the department, this will prevent production risks and violation of the labor rights of employees, as well as increase the transparency of the federal supervision in the field of labor. In March this year. inspectors carried out 1,200 preventive visits.

On March 10, the Russian government introduced a moratorium on inspections of the organization until the end of 2022 to reduce the burden on entrepreneurs in the face of sanctions.

According to the document, unscheduled control measures are allowed only in exceptional cases. For example, in the event of a threat to life and serious damage to the health of citizens, a threat to state defense and state security, as well as in the event of a threat of natural and man-made disasters. Rostrud will continue to apply the necessary measures to respond to inspections. Such checks must be coordinated with the prosecutor’s office, TASS report.


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