Роскомнадзор запретил рекламу Google

Roskomnadzor prohibits the dissemination of Google ads and its information resources as an advertisement. The news was posted on the Supervisory Authority’s Telegram channel.

In particular, the company is prohibited from disseminating its own advertisements and advertising its information resources in Russia. The report shows that search engines will start to identify Google as violating Russian law.

«The information and economic measures listed above in relation to the American Internet company Google LLC will remain in force until the foreign person completely eliminates the violations of Russian law,» Roskomnadzor said.

The RKN reported that Google’s YouTube hosting video was spreading fakes regarding the conduct of a special military operation in Ukraine, discrediting the Russian armed forces and not removing information from extremist organizations.

The agency also accused YouTube of censoring Russian media, state, public and sports organizations and personalities. This includes blocking accounts or content from Russia Today, Russia 24, Sputnik, Zvezda, RBC, NTV, etc.

Earlier, on April 5, Roskomnadzor demanded that the Google administration immediately remove restrictions on search results on the official websites of Russian government agencies, as well as explain the reasons for their introduction. According to the RKN, the search engine excluded the websites of the Ministry of Defense and the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation from the results for the Russian audience.

In 2021, 21 protocols were drawn up against Google for refusing to remove prohibited content, the amount of fines exceeded 51 million rubles. The company only paid some of them.


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