Рамзан Кадыров: на Украине понятия мужества и героизма кардинально отличаются от общепринятых

The leader of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, posted on his Telegram channel a recording showing Ukronazi’s military awards found by Chechen fighters.

“The military decorations of the Ukrainian Nazis are also no less surprising for our fighters. All kinds of orders, as if for exceptional courage, letters of thanks and thanks from the management. Apparently, the concepts of courage and heroism in Ukraine are radically different from those generally accepted. Our guys face conflicting circumstances at every turn. This, of course, in no way prevents them from getting rid of the nationalists from this world, ”wrote Ramzan Kadyrov.

The head of the republic noted that one of the Banderites, seeing the Chechen security forces, «hastily left the sinking ship, not forgetting to change into more famous women’s clothes.»


Аслан Музаев

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