Минтруд: Уровень бедности в России существенно снизился

Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Protection Olga Batalina said the poverty level in Russia dropped significantly in 2021. However, in her opinion, the situation in the economy is not easy today, it is important to support families with critically low incomes.

«According to the results from 2021, our poverty level has dropped quite significantly, it was 11%, but we objectively understand that the economic situation is not simple now, you have rightly noticed both quite a significant increase in prices and the problems that may arise in employment, so now it’s very important to support families with these critically low incomes, she said in a broadcast on the ONF website.

Olga Batalina explained that when calculating the poor, we mean families with an average income per capita below one subsistence level. Batalina explained that among citizens with such incomes, the percentage of citizens who have children is very high, which is why, in the first place, aid is directed to those who find themselves in such a difficult life situation.


Аслан Музаев

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