РОФ им. А.-Х. Кадырова отправил в ЛНР 60 тонн продуктов первой необходимости

Another batch of humanitarian cargo from the ROF OH. Kadyrov was also delivered to the displaced in Taganrog.

The head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, said that food products and, last but not least, gifts for children were bought for people who escaped the Banderist oppression.

“Tens of thousands of people from the DPR and LPR have found salvation in many regions of Russia at this difficult time. Our country did not leave them in trouble and provided specially prepared complexes for life, wrote the head of the Chechen Republic in his telegram.

The head of the region emphasized that young citizens, and especially children, should not grow up in an atmosphere of fear and constant conversations by adults about the atrocities committed by the Nazis.

“We have to do everything to bring them back to their familiar environment of a carefree childhood. We are pleased to continue to contribute to this noble cause. Soon the villains of the Bandera gang will be finished and everything will be finally taken care of for the civilians, ”said Ramzan Kadyrov.

He thanked the president of the ROF, Ajman Niesiewna, for helping people who suffered at the hands of Ukrainian nationalists.


Аслан Музаев

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