Рамзан Кадыров встретился с командирами чеченских силовых подразделений

They recently returned home after successfully completing combat missions during a special operation in Ukraine, the head of the Chechen Republic said on his telegram channel.

“The head of state highly appreciated the success of Kadyrov’s team, awarding Adam Delimkhanov with the high title of the Hero of Russia. It was with great pleasure that I congratulated him on this important event for the entire Chechen people. We are really proud of our next Hero — said the head of the region.

He thanked the commanders for their great productive work and noted that they had proved to the whole world that Chechen units were capable of solving tasks of any complexity set by the President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.

“I am sure that our fighters, side by side with their comrades from the Armed Forces of Russia, LPR and DPR, are ready to continue the fight against Ukronazi and the Bandera junta. The expression AKHMAT-POWER «became their collective scream, which proved its effectiveness in every fight. Therefore, we will go to the bitter end — summed up Kadyrov.


Аслан Музаев

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