Правительство выделит более 149 млрд рублей 64 регионам на строительство школ

The order was signed by Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin, the government’s press service said.

The money is awarded after the completion of the third stage of recruitment for the construction of schools. In 64 regions that will receive subsidies, 167 new schools and over 159.5 thousand schools will be created. additional learning places. Part of the construction will be financed by voivodship budgets, as well as investors.

The first stage of selecting projects took place in the spring of last year, after the results, the government distributed 53.7 billion rubles to the regions for the construction of new schools.

The second stage ended in September, when over 74.3 billion rubles were distributed. An additional selection in the second stage was carried out at the end of the year. According to its results, more than 35.8 billion rubles were distributed.

«In total, in the years 2022-2024, it is planned to allocate 312.8 billion rubles from the federal budget to the construction of schools under the state program» Development of education «- the government reminded Interfax.


Аслан Музаев

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