Минтруд: родители 440 тысяч детей от восьми до 17 лет уже получили выплаты

Parents 440,000 the children have already received benefits for children aged 8 to 17 for low-income families, the Ministry of Labor informed journalists.

“The standard deadline for considering the application is 10 working days. However, on the May holidays, the Social Insurance Fund acted so that families could quickly receive the necessary help. So far, the parents of 440 thousand. the children have already received their wages, ”he said. head of the labor ministry Anton Kotyakov, whose words are quoted by the press office.

You can apply for payment online at the State Services portal or in person at PFR or MFC branches. The amount of the benefits is 50%, 75% or 100% of the regional minimum subsistence level per child.

The allowance is for low-income families. Payments are made on the basis of the results of the comprehensive income assessment: families where the average per capita income is lower than the per capita subsistence level, parents have earnings or objective reasons for not having earned them, and family assets meet established requirements, RIA Novosti reports.


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