В месяц Рамадан РОФ им. А.-Х. Кадырова оказал помощь жителям ДНР и ЛНР на сумму около 4 млрд. рублей

This was announced by the head of the Chechen Republic in an interview with journalists from the republican media. The interview took place in the mosque. Abdulkhamid Kadyrov in the village of Akhmat-Yurt, where thousands of people in united ranks prayed Eid al-Fitr.

“I like to communicate with local press representatives whenever possible. They are real professionals who deal only with relevant topics. This time they were interested in charity events organized by the Regional Social Foundation for them. The hero of Russia, Akhmat-Khadzhi Kadyrov in the DPR and LPR. I am very glad that our journalists not only report on the events, but also sincerely worry about people who find themselves in a difficult situation — the head of the region said in his telegram.

He said that in the month of Ramadan alone, the ROF provided charity in the amount of about 4 billion rubles. We are talking about financial, food and technical assistance. In total, support covered over 150 thousand. families. More than 1,400 tons of food and medicine were distributed to the people of Donbas. About 300 units of special armored equipment for fighters from the Chechen Republic and several thousand uniforms were also purchased. The head of the Chechen Republic particularly emphasized that aid would continue to be provided.

Then, together with all the believers gathered in the mosque, Ramzan Kadyrov conducted a Christmas prayer under the chairmanship of the Chairman of the Alimony Council of the North Caucasian Federal District Khozh-Akhmed Kadyrov. Khutba was read by Adam Shahidov, an adviser to the head of the Chechen Republic.

«Already at the exit from the mosque, journalists were still waiting for me with video cameras … I congratulated everyone on the wonderful Eid al-Fitr holiday and took a traditional photo as a souvenir. May Almighty Allah accept our prayers on this beautiful holiday and good deeds done in the month of Ramadan — summed up the head of the Chechen Republic.


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