В Индии планируют запустить собственную мобильную ОС

In India, the development of its own IndOS mobile operating system — a potential competitor to iOS and Android — has been announced, but when it will premiere is not yet known.

The creation of the Indian OS project is a joint initiative of the government and private companies. In addition to programmers, high-ranking officials, government, scientists and startups are responsible for the creation and development of the IndOS operating system. However, it is not known at what stage of development the system is and when it will be released.

One Indian official, who wished to remain anonymous, said that IndOS should become a full-fledged and serious competitor to the US operating system so that users have a choice. Because at the moment, the percentage of Indian Android users is 97%.

“India is one of the largest mobile markets in the world. Our goal is to create a secure Indian mobile operating system that can also bring choice and competition to the Indian market,» the official said.


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