В Грозном планируют запустить производство электродвигателей и выключателей высокого напряжения

In the special economic zone of the industrial production type Grozny, it is planned to launch the production of electric motors and generators of high-voltage vacuum circuit breakers, the Minister of Economy, Territorial Development and Trade of the Chechen Republic, Rustam Shaptukaev, told journalists.

According to him, the most important devices of distribution networks are electric motors and high-voltage vacuum circuit breakers of the generator.

«Generator vacuum circuit-breakers, due to their design and high efficiency, are ideal both for retrofitting existing power plants and for equipping new ones,» said the minister.

The total cost of the project is 0.76 billion rubles. It is planned to create 50 jobs. In the first quarter of 2024, it is planned to launch 4 items of products with a subsequent increase to 9 items per quarter. From 2025, the production of assembled vacuum circuit breakers will amount to 36 units per year.

Ramzan Shaptukayev noted that the project has already been approved by the board of experts of the IP SEZ in Grozny, the Press Service of the Head and Government of the Chechen Republic reports.


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