В Госдуму РФ внесен законопроект Парламента ЧР о защите исламских религиозных текстов

During the spring session of the 5th term of office, deputies of the Chechen Republic’s parliament decided to submit a draft law on the protection of Islamic religious texts to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

The bill was developed to protect citizens’ rights to freedom of conscience and religion.

According to the amendments, hadith collections and works of the four Islamic canonical schools (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi’i and Hanbali madhhabs), their content and quotations from them cannot be considered as extremist material. We are talking about both texts in the original source and translations into the languages ​​u200bu200bof the peoples of Russia.

The subject of disputes are often other religious literary and written monuments, which are the canonical sources of the teachings of traditional world religions, which leads to public outrage and mass outrage, indicate the authors of the initiative.

In this way, the document clarifies the specifics of the application of the law on combating extremist activities in relation to these religious texts and places them on the list of sources whose content cannot be considered extremist materials. At the moment the list includes the Koran, the Bible, the Tanakh and the Kanjur.


Аслан Музаев

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