В Чеченской Республике завершился лесокультурный сезон

Thanks to the nationwide project Ecology, reforestation was carried out in the region on an area of ​​45 ha, including 15 ha of forest crops, and afforestation was carried out on 5 ha. This was reported by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Chechen Republic.

In total, in 2022, works aimed at restoring forests on an area of ​​694 ha will be carried out in the republic as part of the federal project «Forest protection» of the national project «Ecology». It is also planned to prepare 1 thousand. kg of seeds of the main forest-forming species.

According to the director of the forestry department, Lema Tushayev, the republic has set itself the task of increasing the forest cover of the territory as a necessary element for improving the state of the environment. He noted that the result of these works will have a huge impact on the condition of the atmospheric air and soil, and will positively affect the health of the population.


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