SafeNe: Браузеры с автопроверкой видео на наличие фейков могут появиться уже в 2022 году

Features of automatic checking of films in terms of the presence of elements generated by the so-called deepfake technology may appear in test mode in social media players and browsers as early as 2022.

This was announced on Monday by Denis Kuvikov, director of the SafeNet regional engineering center of the National Technology Initiative (NTI), TASS.

The expert noted that the development of video mining services does not stop — developers are constantly improving the efficiency of algorithms, increasing the amount of data for training systems and looking for new areas of technology application. At the same time, the wide distribution of deepfake films means improving the methods of their recognition. There are already such programs on the market, the next stage of development should be the appearance of browser extensions and functions in social media video players that allow you to analyze the authenticity of recordings.

«It’s just a matter of time. This type of feature may appear in test mode as early as 2022, we will probably see the first products in less than six months,» he said.

Kuvikov also noted that it is almost impossible to determine traces of video processing with the eye.


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