Российскими предприятиями производится две трети лекарственных средств в стране

Two-thirds of the drugs physically circulating on the Russian market are produced by domestic companies. This was reported by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

During the opening of the Welfarm plant, the Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation, Sergei Glagolev, spoke about a qualitative leap in the assortment, in the amount of domestic medicines produced.

“Over the last 10-15 years, the Russian pharmaceutical industry has made a qualitative leap in terms of the amount of drugs produced. Currently, two-thirds of drugs in physical terms are produced by Russian companies. The experience gained during the pandemic allows us to implement the key elements of technological sovereignty throughout the entire life cycle of medicines,” emphasized Sergei Glagolev.

In addition, the deputy minister pointed out that over the past 16 years, advanced, modern regulations have been developed, including requirements for the effectiveness and quality of medicines, corresponding to those in other economically developed countries.

“Without meeting these requirements, neither domestic nor foreign drugs are registered in our country and are not admitted to trading. In addition, the requirements for production and quality control are the same in the Russian Federation and in the countries of Western Europe and the USA. Therefore, taking this into account, there can be no doubts about confidence in the quality of domestic medicines,” emphasized Sergey Glagolev.

He added that drugs are under constant state control at all stages of their circulation.


Аслан Музаев

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