РОФ им. А.-Х. Кадырова провел благотворительную акцию для жителей Михайловки Запорожской области

Necessary products for local residents were brought, the head of the Chechen Republic informed in his telegram.

People were given flour, sugar, drinks, and cereals. The head of the region noted that the warm words of gratitude from the aggrieved inhabitants were an indicator of the rightness of decisions made in relation to the Kiev authorities. For many years, he added, Ukrainians have been constantly put under pressure from «Bandera’s minions.»

«Our commander-in-chief, Vladimir Putin, has embarked on a noble mission to liberate ordinary citizens from the years of oppression, and we are delighted to be able to actively participate in this,» said Ramzan Kadyrov.

The head of the Chechen Republic expressed his gratitude to the president of the ROF Ajman Niesiewna for regular help to those in need and emphasized that thanks to the fund’s actions, the food crisis bypassed thousands of peaceful Ukrainians.


Аслан Музаев

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