Рамзан Кадыров опубликовал проповедь известного чеченского богослова Магомеда Хийтанаева

The leader of the Chechen Republic posted a video of the sermon on his Telegram channel.

The head of the region noted that in his sermon, Magomed Khitanaev emphasizes that a special military operation is aimed at eradicating this cursed fascist phenomenon in Ukraine. The followers of this vile ideology seized power in the country and tortured their own people for many years. At the same time, their intention to spread this teaching was open and found support in foreign friends. Therefore, indifference and inaction would inevitably lead us to a great tragedy on our earth.

Also, according to Magomed Khitanaev, the Pope of Rome, with his open support, untied the hands of Satanists. He made a series of completely absurd statements, trying to justify homosexual people in religious terms. The Chechen theologian also emphasizes that gay parades with children are taking place in European countries today. In other words, adults, self-confessed Satanists, project this obscurantism onto their children. They try to corrupt immature minds, instill in their pure consciousness unnatural values, referring to religion and science.

According to Magomed Khitanaev, it is the duty of every believer to defend spiritual and traditional values. And the participants of the special operation are doing their duty — they are guarding the laws of God, faith and people.


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