Продолжается голосование за объекты благоустройства в рамках нацпроекта «Жильё и городская среда»

On-line voting for improvement facilities on the za.gorodsreda.ru platform will last until the end of May. The projects cover 7 districts of the republic: Akkoy-Martanovsky, Urus-Martanovsky, Gudermessky, Kurczaloevsky, Shalinsky, as well as the cities of Grozny and Argun.

Let us remind you that the online voting project started on April 15 and allows residents of one platform to choose a public space that will be included in the list of territories to be developed in 2023 as part of the national project.

“Residents over the age of 14 can vote for one of the proposed facilities. The procedure takes place from a smartphone or computer via the «Gosuslugi» portal. The projects also involve volunteers who help and inform the population about the possibilities of participating in creating a comfortable urban environment — said Alisa Ibragimova, deputy minister of construction, housing and communal services of the Chechen Republic.

Last year, during the first stage of voting, 18 facilities located in the Chechen Republic were presented on the platform. Over 60,000 people voted for the implementation of a specific design project.


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