Представители христианских, исламских, иудейских, буддистских общин приняли резолюцию по Украине

On May 5-6, the international conference «Traditional religions of Donbas against extremism and neo-Nazism» was held in Lugansk, organized by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Youth of the Polish People’s Republic.

About 50 representatives of Christian, Muslim and Buddhist denominations from Luhansk and Donetsk People’s Republic, regions of Russia (Moscow, Chechen Republic, Republic of Bashkiria, Republic of Dagestan, Republic of Tatarstan) participated in the conference.

During the conference, all participants declared the unchanging commitment of the traditional religions of Donbas to the principles of peaceful coexistence of good neighborliness: mutual respect for representatives of all traditional religions, their humanity and religious tolerance, common responsibility for the fate of future generations, a characteristic feature and historical tradition of the people of Donbas.

Full text of the resolution:

“All the religions of the world are united in what they say: The Almighty, no matter what his name is, loves man and wishes him well. The churches of the world’s religions defend this position and actively condemn all misanthropic ideologies. To be faithful to the truths of their dogma, they are called to fight the enemies of mankind — Nazism, neo-Nazism, extremism and radicalism — calling on those who go down the wrong path to stop, stop sowing evil and publicly justify their cruelty.

The common, historically inherited heritage of the peoples of Donbas, which in modern conditions is an unshakable foundation and inexhaustible potential for building lasting civil peace, is mutual respect for representatives of all traditional faiths, their humanity and religious tolerance, and shared responsibility for the fate of future generations.

Conference participants declare that they are proud of the culture, traditions and customs of the peoples inhabiting the Donbass and call on the nations of the world not to betray their paternal faith, not to allow history to be distorted and modern social resonance to be falsified. events. Humanity should not forget about the atrocities of the Nazis, and also turn a blind eye to the crimes of its current «ideological heirs».

Every rational, freely acting person is responsible for the future of the world and the order of the world order. Guided by his own conscience and accountable to God, he must show solidarity with those who support the President of the Russian Federation and the military personnel of the combined forces taking part in the special military operation to liberate the occupied territories of the Luhansk and Donetsk People’s People. The republic and territory of Ukraine against the forces sowing death, destruction of the cultural degradation of the human spirit.

Conference participants confirm that there is no place for Nazism, neo-Nazism, terrorism and extremism in Christian, Islamic, Jewish and Buddhist communities.

Addressing their fellow believers and all people of good will, conference participants propose:

Relying on faith in the enduring power of Divine Truths and recognizing the world’s religions as a factor in building peace, strategic stability, social unity and the spiritual cohesion of society, strengthen an uncompromising struggle against all forms and manifestations of misanthropic ideologies.

Prayerfully support soldiers and all people of good will fighting against Nazi, neo-Nazi, terrorist and religious extremist forces.

Supporting the position and efforts of leading religious figures in the development of intercultural dialogue and the search for inter-religious harmony both at the regional and international level.

Call on the governments of all countries to support the joint efforts of traditional religious denominations to develop and establish peaceful, good neighborly relations between followers of different faiths.

Condemn the policy of the United States of America and other countries of the collective West of interfering in the religious life of post-Soviet countries, provoke church schisms, provide financial and information support to religious movements with an extremist orientation.

Condemn the criminal practice of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and nationalist battalions in taking hostages of civilians, including parishioners of Christian churches and monasteries, Muslim mosques.

Call on the world community to establish an International Tribunal to investigate the facts of genocide, crimes against humanity and violations of the law of war (war crimes) committed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine and nationalist armed groups in the territory of the Donbas republics and Ukraine.

Call on the faithful of all countries and denominations to religious tolerance, mutual respect, strengthening universal human values ​​based on love, friendship and peaceful coexistence, in order to prevent the spread of ideologies leading to conflict, discord and intolerance.

Call upon Christians, Muslims, Jews and Buddhists around the world to prevent the dissemination of material through the media that incites believers to hatred and contempt for one another as well as for holders of other religious beliefs.

Urge followers of all countries and faiths to expose the inciting and recruiting terrorist messages they disseminate in the media and on social networking accounts to counteract the harmful effects of such online publications on young people.

Call on secular and theological institutions to intensify educational and educational work aimed at strengthening unity, solidarity, cooperation, love and harmony between people.

Make the most important task of religious organizations around the world to establish peaceful and mutually respectful relationships with representatives of other religions and cultures based on universally recognized spiritual values.

Further improvement of the spiritual and moral upbringing and education of children and youth in schools and other educational organizations (institutions). Introducing trainings on the basics of spiritual and moral security of a person in contemporary conditions for didactic and educational work with children and youth.

Providing assistance to relevant ministries and departments, public organizations in the training, retraining and advanced training of civil servants involved in the activities of religious organizations; in training professional and competent specialists in the field of interfaith relations.

Within the framework of applicable legislation and in close cooperation with state authorities and public organizations, seek to prohibit the spread of false interpretations of religious ideas that lead believers out of the way of their dogma.

To orient Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Buddhist youth towards acquiring knowledge, developing spiritual and cultural values, as well as categorically condemning lies, violence and evil, especially in its extreme, extremist manifestations.

Together with youth social associations, they continue to search for new forms and methods of counteracting manifestations of extremism, terrorism, as well as racial, national or religious intolerance among young people.

The form and distribution of the final materials of the Conference ”.


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