Правительство РФ продлило имеющиеся у предприятий разрешения в отдельных сферах деятельности

The Russian government has been consistently reducing business burdens and simplifying administrative procedures. This was reported on the official telegram channel of the government.

By the end of 2023, over a hundred permits previously obtained by entrepreneurs in the following areas will be in force: transport; ecology; industrial security; communication; broadcast; marketing of veterinary medicines and feed additives.

The mode of operation has been smoothly extended since January 1: no additional steps will be required from the organization, state authorities will make changes to registers and databases themselves. You will not have to pay customs duties or fees. The licenses will also be free.

Authorized departments shorten the processing time of documents and lists of submitted information. The same procedure will apply on the territory of the DPR, LPR, Zaporizhia and Kherson regions.

“Thanks to this, entrepreneurs will be able to devote more time to business development and the implementation of their ideas, they will be able to find new niches that have appeared after the departure of foreign competitors,” Mikhail Mishustin said at a government meeting.


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