Песков: власти не собираются возрождать в России пионерскую организацию

The authorities do not intend to revive the pioneering organization in Russia — assured the press secretary of the president Dmitry Peskov.

“In recent days, there have been many questions for me and my colleagues about the birth of so-called new pioneers. No, no one will revive any pioneers and organizations, ”he said, commenting on the bill submitted. to the State Duma on the creation of the all-Russian youth organization «Great Change».

“This bill is related to the movement. This is not just a student movement, but a wider context, a wider age range. These are students and youth, youth. which all current organizations can solidify, «Peskov explained:» Nobody here will impose anything on the children. «

According to him, we are talking about the fact that the children themselves will be the generators of ideas, the generators of the vision of how this movement will live. On April 20, at the meeting of the president with members of the chairman of the supervisory board of ANO «Russia — the land of opportunities», a 12-year-old student suggested that Vladimir Putin should unite all children’s movements. Peskov confirmed that the bill was prepared in accordance with this proposal.

«It’s not an organization, on the contrary, a more flexible, wider format that will allow children from different backgrounds, different organizations to feel a certain kind of unity,» said Interfax.


Аслан Музаев

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