Минздрав РФ планирует увеличить охват диспансеризации и профосмотров в 2023 году

In 2023, the Russian Ministry of Health plans to at least double the coverage of medical examinations and preventive examinations of Russians who are covered. This was announced by Deputy Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Yevgeny Kamkin.

Over the last year, over 51 million people underwent preventive and medical examinations.

A clinical trial is a comprehensive examination conducted to assess the state of health and early detection (screening) of chronic non-communicable diseases, as well as the risk of their development.

“Now we are analyzing the results. I can already say that for the first time more than a million citizens learned about the presence of a chronic disease of the cardiovascular system. More than 40,000 patients were diagnosed with oncological diseases, and approximately 76,000 people were diagnosed with diabetes. People didn’t know they were sick,» said Deputy Minister of the Russian Ministry of Health Yevgeny Kamkin.

Recall that every Russian from the age of 18 can undergo free preventive and medical examinations annually — once every three years. This will allow early detection of the disease and start its treatment.


Аслан Музаев

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