Медведев: ядерный щит успокаивает тех, кто пытается подталкивать Россию к третьей мировой

The nuclear shield ensures Russia’s independence and helps to calm those who are trying to push our country into the third world war, said the vice-chairman of the Russian Security Council, Dmitry Medvedev.

On Tuesday, he held a meeting in Sarov, where the Russian Federal Nuclear Center is located, on the development prospects of the National Center for Physics and Mathematics (NTsFM).

“We are based in Sarov, where our national nuclear potential and nuclear weapons have been developed for over 75 years, and research is conducted to improve our capabilities and ensure effectiveness. And of course, the historical merit of those who worked here is that a nuclear shield was created for Russia and our allies, which for many years ensured our independence and even helps to calm those who are trying to push our country into the third world war, «Medvedev said.

He stressed that «unfortunately, such attacks are not uncommon at the moment — both by those states which have taken an openly hostile stance towards our country, and by those that use Russophobic rhetoric.»

“In this case, we must remember our abilities that arose here in Sarov. Most importantly, our opponents have not forgotten about it, ”stressed the vice-chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation, RIA Novosti reports.


Аслан Музаев

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