Глава ЧР: Вооружение, посланное в качестве помощи ВСУ и неонацистам, будет использовано против них

International volunteer divisions established in the Chechen Republic won foreign trophies in battles.

Weapons sent to help the Ukrainian Armed Forces and neo-Nazis will now be used against them, said Ramzan Kadyrov, the head of the Chechen Republic.

He said that «IFVs, a decent storage of small arms, grenade launcher arrows, mortars, ammunition boxes, formerly European grenade launchers» were deflected from the Banderites. This entire arsenal was apparently perceived as so-called humanitarian aid by «compassionate» sympathizers «from the West,» emphasized Ramzan Kadyrov.

«Now our fighters will be happy to send» Biden i Co. military aid «against the Ukrainian bandits. Fortunately, there are plenty of trophies and enough for all bandlogs! — wrote the head of the region on his Telegram channel.


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