«Единая Россия» проведет Неделю приемов родителей по вопросам материнства и детства

Work with residents’ appeals will take place at the party reception venues from May 30 to June 3.

Appeals will be heard at the Regional Public Reception of United Russia Party Chairman Dmitry Medvedev in the Chechen Republic and at local social parties in the regions of the region.

Senators, deputies of all levels, representatives of relevant departments, as well as plenipotentiaries for children’s rights in the regions, representatives of all-Russian social organizations «Russia’s Educators» and «Mothers Council», coordinators and chairmen of the party of public councils projects «Children’s Sport» and «Strong Family» .

Contact telephone numbers in the Chechen Republic:

8 (8712) 22-23-03, 8 938 901 08 39 — including message in WhatsApp messenger.

Speech of the Regional Public Reception Chairman of the party «United Russia» DA Medvedev in Chechnya: Grozny, Fr. AA Kadyrova, 3/25, business center, 4th floor.

You can also send a written request to the following e-mail address: op@chechen.er.ru .

Addresses of local public receptions and the list of deputies of the parliament of the Chechen Republic assigned to the districts can be found on the website chechenska.ru in the Reception section.


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