Делегация ЧР принимает участие в Международной промышленной выставке в Узбекистане

The delegation of the Chechen Republic headed by the vice-chairman of the government of the Chechen Republic, Khasan Khakimov, takes part in the International Industrial Exhibition «Innoprom. Central Asia ”, which takes place in Uzbekistan.

As reported by the Republican Ministry of Industry, as part of the exhibition, representatives of the Chechen Republic take part in plenary sessions and sessions, meet with Uzbek colleagues about cooperation. The delegation, together with the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Denis Manturov, visited the Chirchik chemical industrial park.

The exhibition «INNOPROM. Central Asia ”plays an important role in strengthening and expanding Russian-Uzbek cooperation and bilateral trade, promoting Russian exports of high-tech non-commodity products to the Central Asian market. The actively developing economy of Uzbekistan and the countries of Central Asia opens up good prospects for Russian high-tech exporters and makes the regional market more attractive.


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