Чеченская Республика подключилась к сервису Госуслуг «Запись в кружки и спортивные секции»

Already in 71 regions of Russia, the State Service service is available for enrolling children in various circles.

It allows you to find the appropriate section, starting with the child’s preferences and parents’ abilities. The day before, the Chechen Republic also connected to this portal.

Remote registration for additional classes not only saves time, but also allows parents to get acquainted with the plans and schedule of classes, compare different educational institutions, choose a teacher, and also track on the map where this or that educational institution is located.

It is worth noting that if the wheel is paid, you can pay for it, including with the help of a certificate of additional education, which is automatically generated in the State Services. With a certificate, a child can participate in pre-vocational, socially significant and other programs, including private organizations.

According to Russia’s deputy prime minister, Dmitry Chernyshenko, about 20,000 have used the service of enrolling children in circles and sections since the service was launched in November last year. parents. Until September this year. it is planned to extend this service to absolutely all entities in the country.


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