Активисты проекта «Новая школа» проверили организацию горячего питания в сельских школах

The monitoring is carried out by representatives of United Russia (employees of local branches, deputies of various levels, supporters of the party), parents of students, activists of the Young Guard of United Russia and social organizations in the region. Public raids were organized as part of the federal party project EP New School.

The main control criteria are: the variety of dishes, the fullness of the portions, the quality of the products, whether the child has enough lunch breaks. In addition, the observance of cleanliness in canteens and catering facilities, the availability of disinfectants and the compliance of the premises with the principles of epidemiological safety are assessed. There is also a survey among parents and students on the quality of free hot meals for primary school students.

Today there was a test at secondary school No. 2 in the village of Naur, Nozhai-Yurt school No. 4, Znamenskaya school No. 3, Bekum-Kalenskaya secondary school, gymnasium No. 5 of the city of Urus-Martan, Gudermes school No. 3 and Shelkovskaya school No. 4. AA Kadyrov.

It was noted that in these educational institutions sanitary and hygienic standards are observed, a variety of meals for students are provided, and administrative control over the quality and durability of products is carried out.

Recall that in the party’s popular program much attention is paid to the areas of education and enlightenment. The topic of United Russia school meals is one of their priorities. In the academic year 2022/23, hot meals were provided to 122,796 children in all 510 schools in the region, from grades I to IV.

Initiated by United Russia and Russian President Vladimir Putin, the project to provide primary school students with free hot meals is being implemented in all regions of the country. United Russia has legislated for the implementation of the task of organizing free hot meals for students of grades I-IV, which was set by the President of Russia during his speech to the Federal Assembly in January 2020. The process began on September 1, 2020, and now around 7 million primary school students in 40,000 schools in the country receive free hot meals.


Аслан Музаев

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