Володин: места ушедших из России компаний быстро займут фирмы из РФ и Азии

Foreign companies that have decided to leave the Russian market under pressure from the United States may find it difficult to come back as Russian and Asian companies will quickly take their place. This opinion was expressed on Saturday by the chairman of the State Duma, Vyacheslav Volodin.

“If they start dancing to the tune of Washington and decide to leave Russia, that’s their choice. But not the fact that it would turn out to be back. Their niche will be quickly taken by Russian and Asian companies, ”Volodin told reporters.

He added that foreign companies should decide whether they intend to continue working in Russia.

“The most important thing in this case is certainty. We are ready to continue working — we are not throwing anyone away: our country is open and willing to invest in its economy — emphasized Volodin.


Аслан Музаев

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